Feeding & General Health Information

You have been provided with a diet chart showing how to feed your pup so it will grow into a strong, healthy dog and lead a long life.  A naturally reared dog just glows with good health.

I cannot stress strongly enough the importance of a ‘BARF” Diet – this means Bones And Raw Food – or, Biologically Appropriate Raw Food,

We are all becoming increasingly aware of the need for humans to eat correctly – avoiding heat-treated fats, salt, sugar, preservatives, additives, chemicals and fillers in our foods.  Highly processed convenience foods containing those things are not good for dogs either.

Commercial dog food companies exist to make a profit – their mission is not to produce healthy dogs, but to make money (without being seen to hurt the dogs).  Unfortunately the damage done can be quite insidious.  The rise in human health problems related to a ‘western diet’ of convenience foods is being mirrored in the dog population.

The only time I can see use for commercial dog food is if one is travelling and is too far away from a butcher.  However, tinned sardines or mackerel can be good standbys in these occasional instances, as well as left-overs from our table (not cooked bones though).

When thinking about what to feed your dog think about what its system is designed for – a system that has evolved over thousands of years and one that has not changed over the last 50 when kibble foods were created for convenience and cash.

Your dog’s ancestors thrived on small live/recently killed game – such as rabbit and birds, lizards, beetles, as well as grass, herbs, bark, fruit fallen from trees and such things that don’t appeal to us at all.  Your puppy/dog is no different.

Your puppy/dog has the insides of a wolf.  Its digestive system is the same as when it was roaming the wilds, hunting for its food. So fresh (or frozen/thawed) RAW food is what your pup/dog’s system is designed to consume. 

So when considering food for your puppy/dog think of the animals it would normally eat in the wild and try to replicate that eg: small mammals, birds etc.  They eat the lot – inc the stomach contents, feather, fur, offal - everything!

Note:  Your puppy should grow slowly so that its bones can develop at the correct pace.  Do not try to make it fat and roly-poly. (In the wild there would be days when it didn’t get anything to eat).  Slow but sure will produce a strong, healthy dog.

NEVER feed your puppy/dog whilst you are eating at the table or watching TV or at a BBQ.  If you wish to share your meal or a little taste, ONLY do so after you have finished.  Otherwise you will find your dog pesters for food in the expectation for eating with you.