




Pregnancy Support - Tissue Salt Pregnancy Programme

During pregnancy the baby will require certain salts at different stages of its development at the expense of the mother.  This programme will help to make good any deficiencies and help the baby with his or her basic need of mineral salts.

2nd & 6th Months

Calc Fluor, Mag Phos, Ferrum Phos.

Calc Fluor: for development of bones and elasticity of connective tissue, which helps prevent stretch marks.

Mag Phos: for heartburn and development of nerves.

Ferrum Phos: for oxygenation of blood.

3rd & 7th Months

Calc Fluor, Mag Phos, Nat Mur

Nat Mur: helps control the salt and fluid balance.  Helps prevent swollen ankles.

4th & 8th Months

Calc Fluor, Nat Mur, Silica

Silica: for teeth, bones, hair and general strength; may also help with stretch marks.

5th & 9th Months

Calc Fluor, Ferrum Phos, Silica

Take one tablet of each twice a day a.m. and p.m.  You can add Kali Phos to the programme as a nerve nutrient and to stop the baby being overdue.

These mixtures can also be made up as a powder already combined for your convenience

Hereditary Weakness

Miasmatic remedies are deep acting remedies that treat conditions passed on from generation to generation.  They can be used during pregnancy to treat inherited family weaknesses and to strengthen the constitution of the mother and baby.  Miasms that can be treated include high incidence of cancer, TB, heart and skin conditions, allergies and mental illnesses.  Consult a Homoeopath for more information.

Preparation for the Birth

To give the uterus maximum tone ready for delivery, we advise raspberry leaf tea or tablets to be taken daily from the fifth month as follows:

4 ½ months3 tablets or one cup

6 ½ months6 tablets or two cups

8 ½ months9 tablets or three cups

N.B. To make raspberry leaf tea, add 3 teaspoons of raspberry leaves to one 500ml of boiling water.  This can be cooled and kept in the fridge if so desired.